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"내꺼야! 찜!"을 영어로 표현해보자 <Dibs!> [HIMYM] Season 1-1 Dibs! 찜! [Script] Marshall: I promised Ted we wouldn't do that. 테드한테 이러지 않겠다고 약속했는데.. Lilly: Did you know there's a Pop Tart under your fridge? 냉장고 밑에 팝 타트(과자) 있는거 알았어? * 팝 타트: 켈로그사에서 만든 미국의 국민 간식인데 아침 대용으로서 많은 사랑을 받는 과자입니다. 굳이 비유를 하자면, 한국의 초코파이 같은 존재라 할 수 있겠어요. TMI: 월마트에 따르면 허리케인 등 재난 상황이 닥쳤을 때 가장 많이 팔리는 제품이 바로 팝 타트라고 합니다 ㅋㅋ Marshall: No, but dibs. 아니, 근데 찜! [Today's expressi..
실수로 뱉어버린 말.. Speak incidentally..? <Slip out> [HIMYM] Season 1-1 Slip out (비밀이 입에서) 무심코 튀어나오다 [Script] Ted: There are two big questions a man has to ask in life. One, you plan out for months. Marshall: Will you marry me? Lilly: Of course, you idiot! The other just slips out when you're half drunk at some bar. Ted: You wanna go out sometime? Yasmine: I'm sorry, Carl's my boyfriend. Marshall이 수 개월 동안 계획한 프로포즈를 실행하던 날, Ted는 친구 Barney와 함께 바를 갔고..
'즉각대응하다'를 영어로 뭐라고 하지? <Think on one's feet> [HIMYM] Season 1-1. Think on one's feet 즉각대응하다, 반응/결정이 빠르다 [Script] Lilly: I'm exhausted. It was finger-painting day at school, and a five year-old boy got to second base with me. Wow! You're cooking? *Get to second base: 진도를 나가다 (slang) to get as far as feeling up in sexual advances. ex) In the future, I'm gonna get to second base with Molly Bro. Marshall: Yes, I am. Lilly: Aw...Are you sure th..
'좋아하다'를 Like 말고도 사용 할 수 있다고? <Have a thing for> [HIMYM] Season 1-1. Have a thing for ~를 아주 좋아하다 또는 아주 싫어하다 [Script] Marshall: (프러포즈 리허설 중) Will you marry me? Ted: Yes, perfect! And then you're engaged. You pop the champagne. You drink a toast! *Pop the champagne: 샴페인을 터뜨리다 Marshall: Thanks for helping me plan this out, Ted. Ted: Dude, are you kidding? It's you and Lilly. I've been there for all the big moments of you and Lilly; night you met,..