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[영어] 미드로 공부하기/How I Met Your Mother

다양한 뜻을 가진 동사 Make의 활용- 성공하다 <Make it>

 [HIMYM] Season 1-1



Make it

해내다 / 성공하다





25 years ago, before I was Dad, I had this whole other life.


It was way back in 2005.

I was 27, just starting to make it as an architect and living in New York with Marshall, my best friend from college.

2005년으로 거슬러 올라간단다. 내가 스물 일곱. 이제 막 건축가로서 이름을 날리려던 (성공을 하려던) 때로

대학교 절친인 마샬과 함께 뉴욕에서 살 때였어.


[Today's expression]

Make it

  • 1. 바라던 일을 이루다, 성공하다, 해내다 = Achive a specific goal, Succeed
  • 2. 시간에 맞추다 (to) = be in time 
  • 3. 이성과  관계하다 (with) = have a sex


My life was good. And then uncle Marshall went and screwed the whole thing up.

내 삶은 좋았어. 그런데 마샬이 모든걸 망쳐버렸지.

*Screw something up:  엉망으로 만들다

 to cause to become very anxious, confused, or nervous. (= mess up, make a mess)

  ex) Don't screw it up  this time.

  ex) He is really screwed up about his exams.