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[영어] 미드로 공부하기/How I Met Your Mother

'좋아하다'를 Like 말고도 사용 할 수 있다고? <Have a thing for>

 [HIMYM] Season 1-1.


Have a thing for

~를 아주 좋아하다 또는 아주 싫어하다




(프러포즈 리허설 중) Will you marry me?



Yes, perfect! And then you're engaged. You pop the champagne. You drink a toast!

*Pop the champagne: 샴페인을 터뜨리다



Thanks for helping me plan this out, Ted.



Dude, are you kidding? It's you and Lilly.

I've been there for all the big moments of you and Lilly; night you met, your first date,
other first thing.
My God. You're getting engaged tonight. 



Yeah. What are you doin' tonight?



What was I doing? Here uncle Marshall was taking the biggest step of his life.

And me? I'm calling up your uncle Barney.

나는 뭘 했냐고? 마샬 삼촌은 인생에 가장 큰 발걸음을 내딛고 있었고,

네 아빠는 바니 삼촌에게 전화를 했단다.



Hey, so you know how I've always had a thing for half-Asian girls?

야, 내가 얼마나 아시아 혼혈 여자를 좋아하는지 알지?


Well, now I've got a new favorite... Labanese girls.

나 이제는 레바논 여자들이 좋아졌어.


상황적으로는 나올 대사는 아니지만

HIMYM에서 Barney Stinson이라는 캐릭터가 통통 튀는 바람둥이 인지라 가능한 멘트네요.

아래 전화를 건 Ted의 표정을 보면 그들의 캐릭터를 확인할 수 있습니다.


[Today's expression]

Have a thing for

[Oxford Idioms Dictionary]

Have very strong feelings, either positive or negative, about somebody/something

ex) I think she's got a thing about David. I think she's got a thing about David. She keeps looking at him.




To have a crush on, or a soft spot for, someone.

ex) Brad has a thing for Mary.